Marcs Morning Manners

I AM...


These simple exercises bring us in a 'beautiful state of mind' with a high energy level.

Experience it yourself with My Morning Manners!

I AM...


These simple exercises bring us in a 'beautiful state of mind' with a high energy level.

Experience it yourself with My Morning Manners!

1. Smile In The Mirror

Look yourself straight in the mirror and put the biggest smile ever on your face! Smiling is healthy.

It increases your lung capacity and trains your diaphragm muscles, improving your breathing. It's good for your immune system because smiling stimulates the production of white blood cells. Smiling reduces stress by releasing chemicals in the brain such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Plus, smiling makes you even more attractive by exercising your facial muscles. Everyone looks better when they smile!

2. You Are Amazing!

Say out loud, while pointing at yourself in the mirror:

"You Are Amazing!"

This My Morning Manner gives your confidence a boost. You can do this throughout the day with any reflective surface! The first few times will definitely feel a bit awkward, but see how your body and mind respond after a week. You ARE Amazing!

3. Strike Your Pose

1. Stand firm and upright

2. Feel that you are invincible

3. Strike your pose!

Which stance shows how powerful and strong you are? Showing yourself every day that you are invincible ensures that you start your day full of energy and feel that nothing can knock you down. Not even if you run out of sprinkles.

4. Exercise Breathing

1. Hands in the air, breathe in quickly and sharply through your nose

2. Hands down, breathe out through your nose

3. Do this 30 times, as fast as you can

4. Relax... and feel the calm and energy!

Oxygen is the source of all energy in your body. You can go 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, but only 3 minutes without oxygen. This exercise might make you feel a bit lightheaded the first few times. Don’t worry, that’s just the happiness chemicals being released. You can do this exercise 3 times in a row, so 3 sets of 30. Be careful, it’s addictive.

5. Balance & Stretch

1. Turn your feet 5 degrees inward, with a fist's width apart

2. Stretch your hands and curl your fingers, but keep your thumb extended

3. Stand upright, shoulders down and back

4. Rotate your arms horizontally 40 times, palms facing down

5. Repeat the same exercise with your palms facing up

6. Place your hands against your temples and move your elbows towards each other and back 25 times

Anyone can do this. As simple as this exercise is, it’s fantastic for your muscles and balance. In the video, you’ll find a few more exercises to start your day fully energized and balanced. At 3:00, there’s a good stretching exercise to loosen your shoulder blades, and at 3:55, there’s a stationary running exercise to stabilize your body and wake up all your major muscles. If you do just this exercise 3 times a day, you’ll feel how balanced you move through life. You’ll definitely want more of this!

6. Visualize

1. Choose your favorite quiet spot in the house and sit down with your eyes closed and your hands on your heart.

2. Think of 3 things you want to do or achieve, today or in the longer term.

3. Experience with all your senses what happens when it manifests.
Feel the energy. How does it look, how does it feel, how does it sound, how does it smell, how does it taste?


Your brain doesn’t know the difference between visualization and reality, especially when you involve all your senses in the visualization. It will anchor itself in your system and sharpen your focus. This prepares you for anything that comes your way today, even the unexpected. Turn these expectations into appreciations. "Life is not happening to us, but for us!"

7. Be Grateful

1. Think of the 3 things in your life you are grateful for.

2. Think of everything you have and have achieved, and be grateful for it.

3. Feel the 'now', be calm and connected.

4. Choose to live in a 'beautiful state of mind', no matter what.

This exercise is also fantastic right before you go to sleep. When you are clear about what you are grateful for, you will start to see and experience more of it. How beautiful life will become! Life is not as it is, but as you are. "You Are The Designer Of Your Life!"

See you tomorrow!

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