Let me tell you a secret...

I no longer get any fun from designing beautiful interiors. Nope. No. Not really.

Not anymore. I don't need fancy stuff, constantly on the search for then next new thing. I don't want to design beautiful architectural lines. Not any longer. I don't want interior design challenges any more.

Nope. I've figured out what I do want. Since early this morning at 6am. Then it suddenly became clear:

I just want to realize people's dreams.

And if that's a nice interior, then so be it.

And if that's me helping someone or someone build a thriving business, then that's it.

And that's why I love doing what I do now: helping you and hundreds of other interior designers by pushing their boundaries. Because if I do that and you in turn help people achieve their dreams, this time most likely with beautiful interiors, then... well I don't have to explain that, do I?
