Manifesting a life on your terms - with Ruben Meulenkamp

If you want a life that you deserve, then this Beyond Interior Design Podcast will help you. It will make you aware of what life may look like. If you have clarity on this, I can promise you, you’ll be amazed with what you attract. It's time to take your dreams seriously! Today in the Beyond Interior Design Podcast we have a very special guest.

I’m very exited to have him.
Is he an interior designer?
No. A designer? Yes!

His name is Ruben Meulenkamp. He is a life designer, life transformer. And he know exactly how to work with ‘our mind’! He is an expert in the field of manifestation, mindfulness and mindset. And he is one of the proud founders of ‘The Law of Attraction’ in The Netherlands.

Manifesting a Life On Your Own Terms.

What does that mean? Living On Your Own Terms will mean different things to each individual.

We define it as follows:

"People who choose to create their own path instead of following someone else’s path.
The creators in life, instead of the reactors to life.
People who desire to be more, do more, and live more."

And you are the designer in all of this.

“Growth and contribution, two of the most important traits of any human being. Grow so you can give. Give so you can grow. I put high emphasis on constantly challenging myself to push the boundaries of my comfort zone and ensure maximum growth and contribution” - Ruben Meulenkamp

Listen to the Beyond Interior Design Podcast with Ruben:

Or watch the recording of the LIVE Beyond Interior Design Podcast:

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Free Meditation for interior designers

In the LIVE Show Ruben did a short but powerful meditation with the people who are live with us.

Below you can watch the meditation and do it for yourself.

If you want more meditations, Ruben provided us with a free app with more meditations and visualisations. You can download the app here.

The website of Ruben and his business partner Bas Masséus is: They have a free Law of Attraction Masterclass in Dutch available.