How to STAY IN THE FLOW with your interior design business...

Today you'll finally get that new interior design down. 🥳 

But then your phone rings... 📞 📲

(and your inbox is full of questions that need answers...📬📬)

And a contractor calls you for paint colors... ☎️

and a reminder for ordering some sample tiles... 😤

and another phone call... 🤬

Stay in the Flow overview

I get it, you're busy.

And reading this page is one more thing to do.

While you had different plans for today...

Sounds like you?

Well, please allow me another minute or two ⏳ because I may have something.


I'm Marc Müskens, I'm an interior designer myself and a few years ago I was - in one word:


Busy to the point of burn-out.

I was doing what I love doing. Don't get me wrong.

But running multiple simultaneous interior design projects with just the two of us was way too much.

I spent hours and hours on e-mailing and calling, mixing up clients names just to get back in control.

And the only thing I wanted to do is this:

interior design beautiful interiors

Just. Create. Beautiful. Interiors.

Not all that annoying stuff around it.

Recognize that?

But I discovered something very exciting!

I found out about 5 massive breakthroughs.

Five important things nobody taught us in design school.

Five things you need to do in order to get the projects you desire.

I thought: "Every interior designer needs to know this!"

These five things lead to better clients.

Not different clients. Better. Still the same people, but better.

What it is:

“Stay in the flow” is created specifically for interior designers running their own studio or agency.

Created by Marc Müskens and Sven van Buuren, both experienced interior designers. Whether you're struggling with understanding client needs, seeking to establish your expertise, or looking for guidance in managing your design studio. This course offers practical advice and valuable insights to take your interior design business to the next level.

Get INSTANT Access!
You don't want to miss out!

Top 5 Big Breakthroughs:

Breakthrough no. 1

You probably ask your clients questions before you start designing, right?
With this 'Dig Deep to Design Light' video you'll discover how to get better answers from your clients.
Save yourself time, effort, and frustrations by asking the right questions. 

Breakthrough no. 2

One moment your clients love your design but two seconds later...
they come up with some really horrible ideas that kill your designs.
This is how you get your clients to trust your advice and establish yourself as their expert.

Breakthrough no. 3

What's the real reason your clients want to hire you?  
Discover the power of exploring the actual "why" behind your clients preferences.
And position yourself as the only solution for your ideal clients.

Breakthrough no. 4

You know interior design is more than just dragging beautiful stuff into a building, right?
We're going to define the exact impact and beauty you want to bring into the world.
Let's increase your value as an interior designer, beyond aesthetics!

Breakthrough no. 5

Do you want more clients? Or do you want better clients?

This video is all about discovering how to get clients that really suit you.
Clients that love to pay you for what you're worth.

These are the most important lessons we teach our clients that pay us €12.000 per year for personal mentoring and coaching.

Do you want to know the solution to the 5 most frequently asked questions?


Embrace the power of fine-tuning

It's like Steve Jobs said: "Details are not the details. They make the design."

It's no different with this. Simply finetune a few steps in your current way of working and your will alter your business. Guaranteed.   

If you join "Stay in the Flow"
you will learn how to:

get better interior design clients

Attract your ideal clients 

Attract clients that resonate with your beliefs and vision.

Experience more creative fulfilment

This will bring you to a whole new level in working with your clients.
How to give your interior design clients a comfortable feeling that they are in the right hands? So they trust you to guide them through a new and scary process for them.

Make more impact with your designs

 Establish yourself as the expert. Your projects will become more successful, beautiful, and impactful.

Increase your value as an interior designer

You will no longer be another expense but your clients will see you as an investment. 

Get returning clients

Create even stronger, meaningful connections, so your clients will become addicted to you.

And... be much more relaxed than you currently are

Save yourself time, effort, and frustrations. Let's design your life and your business! 

just create beautiful interiors

This can be one of your client reviews too!

'What do you do at home?' instead of 'What style do you like?'

The whole way of working is unique: 'What do you do at home?' instead of 'What style do you like?'

This will make you think very differently about how you decorate your home.

Aernout, interior design client
I don't know how you did it, but you are going to make a lot of people happy with this!

It's amazing how you see me as a client and look very creatively / intuitively who someone is and what someone feels at home with, regardless of trends. I don't know how you do it, but you are going to make a lot of people happy with this! It almost feels a bit magical.

Esther, interior design client
Goodbye to the renowned architectural firm we already started with!

Marc and Sven approach the design from needs, wishes and moments, instead of the traditional route. And that works.

Goodbye to the renowned architectural firm we had already started with.

Jeroen, interior design client

 "This is definitely the biggest game changer for interior designers!"

Implement the strategies outlined in this course and you will be well on your way to attracting those dream projects. This is how you build long-lasting relationships with clients that are genuinely excited to work with you.

Marc Müskens - Co-Founder Institute of Interior Impact 

What I share in this 5-part video series literally transformed our interior design studio.

We were paid pretty well before we implemented this, but this literally changed our lives. 

We grew from getting €10,000 per project to € 30,000+ for the same deal but less work.

Making this video series worth at least that.

You literally need "1 New Client" to earn your investment back.

But we decided we want this "Stay in the Flow" video series to be available for EVERY Interior Design Pro. 

Invest now in the "Stay in the Flow" video series.

You can join this "Stay in the Flow" video series without paying the €10,000.

Stay in the Flow overview


Our goal is to change the interior design profession. And we won't achieve that by asking premium prices. 

I'm able to do that with my personal coaching and mentorships, so I won't have to do that here.

I want any interior designer to be able to jump on board without hesitating.

Because I know what it will do for you.

Yep, you read that right. Only Eur 27. I'm not making any money on this. The only thing I want is for you to take this leap of faith.

But on top of that you will also get 4 very special bonuses:

BONUS #1: The Beyond Interior Design Book

The best way to collect your discoveries without losing any focus. And it's literally much more than 'just a workbook'. This will serve as an easy, comprehensive, reference book to you.

BONUS #2: 'Deep Dive In' Breakthrough Messages

After you watched each video, you want to start implementing. So for every video Sven will send you practical 'deep dive in' tools so you can get started getting your own "Awesome Projects".

BONUS #3: My No.1 Breakthrough during a live webinar

Here I explain to you how you can change your interior design business working on a couple of steps, creating awesome client relations and having more creative freedom.
The M Word MasterClass

BONUS #4: MasterClass, The M-Word

This helps you overcome all obstacles you may have when talking with your clients about M... MONEY. This will take away the difficult financial conversations and give you the trust and confidence you need. 

What our members say:

Thanks for your openness Marc, you are talented in it.

I learned to trust my personality and be not afraid to show myself.

Love, Ilona

I was very curious towards the video's and I watched them all. I found them to be very clear and fun to watch. Clear explanations and solid advices!

Best, M
Hello Marc en Sven and the rest of the team of Institute of Interior Impact, really like what you guys are doing; raising the professional profile of our industry.
Thanks! Patrick
Earlier today I watched another one of the video's.

 It's so great to hear things like this from an experienced interior designer!

Greetings and thanks! I

This is what you will get in the Stay in the Flow video series:

✅ The "Beyond Interior Design Book". The best way to collect the things you learned without losing any focus. And it's literally much more than 'just a workbook'. In the near future this will serve as an easy comprehensive reference book for you.

The "Deep Dive In Breakthrough Messages". A few days after you get the video and you start implementing you will get practical tools so you can get started getting your own "Awesome Projec".

The "No.1 Breakthrough during a live webinar" where I explain you how you too can change your interior design business working on a couple of steps, creating awesome client relations and having more creative freedom.

The "M-word" MasterClass helps you overcome all obstacles you may have when talking about money with your clients. This will take away the difficult conversations and give you the trust you need when discussing finances with your clients.

✅ Last but not least, the FULL Stay in the Flow video series with unlimited access so you no longer have to "deal with the sh!t that come with having the most beautiful job in the world"

Click here to get direct access including the 5 bonuses and full access to the "Stay in the Flow" video series.

Again, all I want for you is to experience this as well, so that is why it's only eur 27.

I can't wait for you to get those awesome clients. 🍾✨

Cheers! 🥂



Note: While everything we share in our programs, content, training, and webinars helps many of our clients grow their business through the Internet, this is of course NOT a guarantee.

The majority of people who follow our programs take no action afterwards and therefore get no results. We will share what works for us in our interior design business and for our clients who commit to this. The results you will achieve depend on several factors, including willingness to work on this, to commit, and to follow our proven strategies.

Work is required to run a successful interior design business. We do NOT believe in "get-rich-quick" programs and in our view there are NO ways to get rich overnight.

If you don't agree with this, THEN DO NOT INVEST IN ANY OF OUR PROGRAMS.