The Harsh Truth: Your Interior Designs Don’t Work in Everyday Life

The Harsh Truth: Your Interior Designs Don’t Work in Everyday Life

What Other Interior Designers Won’t Tell You

We’ve all seen those beautifully crafted interiors that look amazing on Instagram, right? Sleek lines, beautiful details, perfectly styled accessories. A room that you almost don’t want to touch. But what happens a week after the project is delivered? Where do our clients put their stuff, the school bags, all the chargers and random clutter?

I bet after a week, those cables and bags have taken over over the beautifully crafted design and it will only look close like these pictures ever again when your client has guests over. Can't we do better and integrate all of the practical day-to-day life items into our designs?

Because, to me, a beautiful space means nothing if it doesn't stay beautiful day in and day out, without constant effort.

Combine Stylish and practical living room with comfortable furniture instead of impractical and uncomfortable but pretty

Stop Chasing the Aesthetic Dream

Look, I get it. Everyone wants a stunning interior where everything is perfectly coordinated. But what’s the point of having a fancy couch if it’s uncomfortable? Or a lighting plan that just blinds you? Or cables that hang out of the power outlets? Or jackets that end up over the kitchen chair? A pile of clothes in the walk-in closet? It’s time to get real. Interior design isn’t just about what looks good. It’s about making your interior designs liveable.

Real Questions Lead to Real Solutions

In every interior design we create, we repeatedly ask our clients the same question over and over again: “Why do you want this?” And often, they start to realize things themselves. Because let’s be honest, you can dream of that walk-in closet with perfectly folded piles of clothes. But if your current wardrobe is a mess, what makes you think that new space will be any different?

Custom towel storage cabinet designed to solve clutter issues in a kitchen

If you’re open to get closer to your clients wishes, understanding their needs before they even realize them, check out The Ultimate Set of Questions for Your Client Intake. This FREE 5-part video series comes with a downloadable Cheat Sheet full of the essential questions you should be asking. Whether you're working on residential, or commercial. It won’t just help you create better designs, it will make your entire design process smoother and more impactful.

Interior Designs That Actually Last

Let’s talk about what really makes a design work: longevity. It’s not just about making things look good for a few weeks, but about creating spaces that continue to function well over time. Like that client of mine who was constantly annoyed by school bags cluttering the kitchen. After years of trying to change the kids’ habits, during the design process, we convinced them to stop fighting it and we designed a cabinet specifically for those bags. Problem solved. And years later, they’re still thrilled with how easy it made their daily routine and how much less tension and frustration there is between the family members.

Ask the right questions to your client as an Interior designer

Please, Do Your Clients a Favor

Here’s the thing: as interior designers, we all think we’re balancing aesthetics and functionality. But the truth is, we often miss opportunities to make life in those spaces even better. Sometimes, we don’t dig deep enough or ask the questions that uncover how people truly live, work, and relax in their environment. When you get those insights, you’re able to create interior designs that don’t just look amazing but continue to feel amazing in everyday life, for years to come.

Even if you’re already doing a beautiful job balancing aesthetics and practicality, The Ultimate Set of Questions for Your Client Intake can still elevate your process. This FREE 5-part video series, plus a downloadable Cheat Sheet, will either help you sharpen your skills or give you new insights to take your designs to the next level. Either way, it’s a game changer for delivering spaces that truly improve your clients’ lives.

Sven van Buuren (1980), interior architect, founder of Institute of Interior Impact and owner of the Beyond Iinterior Design LinkedIn Group. Sven has a pleasant mix of rationality versus seeing and naming. He likes to make rigorous choices. Not going for obvious, but the consequences are always positive. For Sven, 'Living On Your Own Terms' means shaping his own freedom to be able to live his dreams. With his optimism and loyalty, he likes to gather people around him who have something to add. To his life, but especially to the lives of each other.
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