How to Build a High-Converting Website for Interior Designers

A high-converting website is important for turning visitors into potential interior design clients. We all want a beautiful website, right? Because we work in the world of beautiful things. But the thing is, your website should not only be visually appealing but, more importantly, it should also be designed to guide visitors toward taking action, such as contacting you or booking a consultation.

It should be bone simple chrystal clear for everyone visiting your site, where to find what. No jargon, no pretty but hard to read buttons, no fluffy stories, that basically say nothing.  

What is your compelling headline that communicates your clients benefits of hiring you. In other words; what will their life be AFTER you've helped them.

Don't fall into the trap of making your Interior Design About You - page, about you.

You probably know the phrase, "what's in it for me?!" Keep that in mind when rewriting this page. Why should they care? Why should they hire you? You can talk about your Principals, about what makes you stand out. But only in the light of how that benefits the site visitor.

And your Portfolio page can be the same; not just high-quality pretty pictures, but also talk a bit about what you solved here.

Then, incorporate strong calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your website, guiding visitors toward the next step. Think this way: every page should have one (only one) clear outcome.

These CTAs should be prominently placed and repeated multiple times on key pages to encourage action. Additionally, including social proof such as client testimonials and case studies helps build trust and credibility.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as most people visit your site mobile first. Regular updates to your content will keep your site relevant and engaging, further boosting its effectiveness in generating leads.

If you want to know more about this subject, make sure you have a look into our Podcast Guest Nikita Morell, who is a copywriter for architects.

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