Let me tell you a secret...

I no longer get any fun from designing beautiful interiors. Nope. No. Not really.

Not anymore. I don't need fancy stuff, constantly on the search for then next new thing. I don't want to design beautiful architectural lines. Not any longer. I don't want interior design challenges any more.

Nope. I've figured out what I do want. Since early this morning at 6am. Then it suddenly became clear:

I just want to realize people's dreams.

And if that's a nice interior, then so be it.

And if that's me helping someone or someone build a thriving business, then that's it.

And that's why I love doing what I do now: helping you and hundreds of other interior designers by pushing their boundaries. Because if I do that and you in turn help people achieve their dreams, this time most likely with beautiful interiors, then... well I don't have to explain that, do I?


Sven van Buuren (1980), interior architect, founder of Institute of Interior Impact and owner of the Beyond Iinterior Design LinkedIn Group. Sven has a pleasant mix of rationality versus seeing and naming. He likes to make rigorous choices. Not going for obvious, but the consequences are always positive. For Sven, 'Living On Your Own Terms' means shaping his own freedom to be able to live his dreams. With his optimism and loyalty, he likes to gather people around him who have something to add. To his life, but especially to the lives of each other.
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