
The future of Interior Design

10 Reasons to Ditch Instagram and Get Active on LinkedIn as an Interior Designer
10 Reasons to Ditch Instagram and Get Active on LinkedIn as an Interior Designer

Sven van Buuren // Institute of Interior Impact

10 Reasons to Ditch Instagram and Get Active on LinkedIn as an Interior Designer
Creating Fun and Adventurous spaces - with MVRDV Cas Esbach
Creating Fun and Adventurous spaces - with MVRDV Cas Esbach

Your host: Marc Müskens

Creating Fun and Adventurous spaces - with MVRDV Cas Esbach
The Key To Interior Design Relevance - with Geoffrey Timmer
The Key To Interior Design Relevance - with Geoffrey Timmer

Your host: Marc Müskens

The Key To Interior Design Relevance - with Geoffrey Timmer
Science in Design, neuroaesthetics - with Linda Kafka and Mike Peterson
Science in Design, neuroaesthetics - with Linda Kafka and Mike Peterson

Your host: Marc Müskens

Science in Design, neuroaesthetics - with Linda Kafka and Mike Peterson
From drawing board to 3D rendering
From drawing board to 3D rendering

Sven van Buuren // Institute of Interior Impact

From drawing board to 3D rendering
What does the interior design future look like?
What does the interior design future look like?


What does the interior design future look like?
My Childhood Hero, Jan des Bouvrie
My Childhood Hero, Jan des Bouvrie


My Childhood Hero, Jan des Bouvrie