Design for the extremes, universal design - with Jane Bringolf

Design for the extremes, universal design - with Jane Bringolf

Beyond Interior Design guest

Jane Bringolf interview live podcast universal design

Don't you want a world that automatically considers diversity?

A world that excludes no-one and includes everyone? 

Sounds impossible?

Not if you listen to Jane Bringolf, founding director of the Center of Universal Design in Australia. 

Jane worked with 23 local councils in Australia to create age-friendly communities. She writes frequently on universal design, participates in conferences, shares her knowledge online, does advisory panels and so on.

She will definitely make your design world more inclusive.

She envisions a world full of inclusive built environments.

"Design for the extremes, you include the middle." - Jane Bringolf

Practical tips from Jane that every interior designer can implement straight away:

  • Co-creation: get the users involved. Consult them early on;
  • Use Jane's 8 goals of Universal Design (see below);
  • Always ask yourself the questions: Can I get there; Can I play there; Can I stay there? (where "I" could be any sort of guest).

“I'm working towards a more inclusive world by bringing the concepts of Universal Design into the 21st century.” - Jane Bringolf

Jane came up with details you as an interior designer may have never thought about. For instance, a long corridor may be too long for elderly people who need to sit and rest halfway through. Or dark patches combined with lighting can really be horrible for people with bad vision. Even a black doormat could feel like a hole in the ground for someone with dementia.
Did you ever think of that?

The 8 goals of universal design


Listen to the Beyond Interior Design Podcast with Jane:

Or watch the recording of the LIVE Beyond Interior Design Podcast:

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About the author
Marc Müskens (1983, The Netherlands) is fond of contrasts and stories. He likes to interact with all kinds of people, in different places. Marc can enjoy the smallest things and create unforgettable experiences. With his continuous hunger for physical and mental challenge, this is 'Living on Your Own Terms' for him. The feeling of freedom.
ilona maennchen

ilona maennchen

on 13 May 2023

Thank you for the great conversation. Inspirational, how Jane transformed and created the design. In particular, she spoke about architectural structure and the perspective behind functionality for disabled people. It is precisely these that are often

ilona maennchen

ilona maennchen

on 13 May 2023

Underestimated in our society. Unfortunately, there are still problems to integrate these better. It's only when you're affected that you suddenly realize that some people see you differently. What Jane actually described is that the designer often fails



on 13 May 2023

to regionalize the actual problems by implementing sustainable and leading system aspects. Especially in public spaces, high curbs and non-functional elevators and narrow doors. Universal design features are too often associated with disability and the



on 13 May 2023

the image of wheelchair users. Will we get better integration in future buildings? Is it about the question of which way of thinking and which part of empathy can we spread better and more acceptably? The aspect of sharing and helping is another point

ilona maennchen

ilona maennchen

on 13 May 2023

that comes up when designing spaces for disabled people. Many small essential points are necessary in addition to building a sustainable universal design.

Sven van Buuren

Sven van Buuren

on 13 May 2023

Thank you Ilona! I love the whole idea behind "Can I get there, can I play there, can I stay there?". There were so many things I never thought of as an interior designer myself. Things like a black doormat could really disturb for instance someone with dementia...

ilona maennchen

ilona maennchen

on 13 May 2023

Yes, Sven, you are right. We all should be more open to our eyes and talk with people about her individual necessary thoughts. Open mind helps a lot for each one. Sometimes we forget this mindset.

Sven van Buuren

Sven van Buuren

on 13 May 2023


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